

My first steps in the world of Norrath were tentative to say the least. Somehow I found my way amongt the immense trees of Surefall Glen to the Ranger's Guild where I recieved a tattered shirt for armor and a pat on the back and usual 'good luck' from the Guildmaster, who expected me to go out and make my way into the great unknown outside the Glen. He might as well have thrown me to the piranha that swam just a few feet away in the lake.

Make my way I did though. Through a darkened cave in the rock face I finally left the safety of Surefall Glen and emerged into the Hills of Qeynos at dawn. It was a wonderful sight seeing the sun top the hills.

So off I went in search of adventure. Finding it did not take long as I wandered off the stony path and soon found myself face to face with a gnoll pup hellbent on tasting my blood. Luck and the Gods were on my side because I managed to defeat the foul beast by a narrow margin leaving me with a feeling of euphoria.

Soon I was searching the hills and valleys for all the evil and unnatural monsters that I could find. In my state of excitement I failed to pay attention to the time and found myself far from the paths and in the dark. Then it began to rain. The darkness grew even more, preventing my half elven sight from penetrating the inky blackness for more than a few feet. Lightning fell illuminating my surroundings, and I tried to get my bearings but realized I was lost. I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach and wondered if I would survive the night.

Suddenly as a great lightning bolt lit up the sky I saw a skeleton rushing me! My heart skipped a beat and quickly I turned to attack not knowing the strength of such a creature. I began to fear the worst as the monster slashed me at will. At the last though I managed to rally and overcame the undead horror.

Taking it's weapon for my own I trudged on in what I thought was the direction of the Glen. Thankfully the rain soon ended and as the sky cleared I found my way back to the path and from there, to the safety of the guards by the entrance to the Glen.

I sat down near the fire to warm my hands, and as I prepared my camp, I knew that ahead of me lay many more adventures yet to come. Smiling, I went to sleep.